In Uganda

We made it!

Apologies for lack of communication – Internet as you could assume is scarce and I’m so falling in love all over again!

The compound we are staying at is a gated compound fully funded by Assemblies of God Korea & we are so blessed – I truly can not hardly believe it.

The Ugandan people of course are so beautiful and the culture so amazing.

We are loving our time here so far from our work with the ministry of HIV+ woman, playing “American” football with teenagers, helping at an elementary school, leading worship — several times, attending several church services, to community house visits with some of the church ladies, to going on safari today-

We’ve had many trials already, more recently today with the breaking down of one of our vehicle 3 hours from our compound we are staying at – which brought about several other issues.

Prayers are so felt and we are so thankful for that.

Thank you again so much & I look forward to sharing more with you!

Much love.

Surrendered – fully.


One thought on “In Uganda

  1. Joe,

    Glad to hear you have arrived safely. I am sorry to hear that some of your team has fallen ill but praising God you have been spared. I look forward to seeing how God will continue to use you in furthering his kingdom.
    You immediately came to my mind as I reflected on Micah 6:8 this morning.


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